Who We Are

Our Story

As a non-profit organization , we always strive for our mission with a modern vision and we hope more people can contribute to our activities , The whole idea started with rehabilitation of ex-prisoners from the year 2010 . We realized that there were many others who were stigmatized or diverted from the main stream society , our intention is to bring them back to the main stream with the aid of theater therapy and performing arts.
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Our Foundation

Our foundation is in fact ( www.kfmindia.in ) from where this whole desire of main streaming the backward and stigmatized section of the society originated . We conduct stage shows and innumerable other charity initiatives . We are in need of volunteers and supporters who would join hands in Our mission .
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Our Mission

To work for the upliftment of the backward and stigmatized section of the society through art , theater and performing arts . To design the journey of the unwanted section of the society , back to the mainstream .
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Our Blog

Volunteer Helpers
success story
stage shows
You want to become a


When the weaker section of a society is uplifted , the economy changes , the perception towards mankind changes and the World becomes a much happier and peaceful place to live in .