Life skills is necessary or desirable for full participation in everyday life. Theatre is a collaborative form of fine art which uses live performance. In fact, the purpose of theatre is to provide thorough enjoyment to people. Theatre falls in the genre of performing arts. Any type of performing art is difficult because you are performing live. One mistake with one’s lines or missing a cue and the whole production can go downhill. Thus learning life skills from theatre is essential.

In theatre, artists might use their bodies, voices or inanimate objects to convey artistic expression. Performing arts are important for many reasons like improving communication skills, forming new opinions, receiving constructive criticism, solving problems better, developing confidence, perseverance and discipline and so on. In case of children, it teaches them working together to achieve common goals and most importantly to express any pent up emotions which they could be.



Oral communication skills

Acting on stage teaches you how to be comfortable and confident in speaking in front of a large audience. Some theatre classes give you additional experience of talking to groups and communication with a team makes your communication clear, precise and well-organized. Thus theatre helps one to develop the confidence that is essential to speak clearly, lucidly and thoughtfully.

Ability to learn quickly and correctly

Firstly, theatre in all capacities requires the ability to learn. May it be memorizing lines as well as learning the technical aspects of a production, the ability to absorb a vast quantity of information quickly and accurately is very important. Thus working in theatre sharpens the ability to grasp complex matters in a short period of time.

Creative problem solving abilities

Several works related to theatre like building scenery, hanging lights, making props, running the show is a particularly good way to learn how to think on your feet, to identify problems, evaluate a range of possible solutions and chalk out how to get things done in an allotted time frame. The same holds true for almost every aspect of theatre – directing, designing, acting, playwriting as well as management. Theatre also helps to develop the creative ability by using creative processes to solve problems. Henceforth, these skills can be directly applicable to virtually any job.

Motivation and commitment

Being involved in theatre productions as well as workshops demands commitment and motivation. Therefore these two important qualities are  instilled in a person by theatre and for several employers, that positive attribute is essential.

•-Ability to work together

Theatre however demands that participants work together co-operatively for the production to be a success. Thus working in a theatre group teaches you how to work effectively with different types of people, without losing your cool.

Time budgeting skills

Time management skills are something that you learn from the theatre. You need to schedule your time very carefully because you remain busy with rehearsals, work calls and other demands that theatre makes on your time. Thus it teaches one how to utilize the time optimally and this skill is highly valued by employers.

Promptness and respect for deadlines

Tardiness is never acceptable in theatre as it shows a lack of self-discipline and a lack of consideration for others. Being late for rehearsals as well as failing to finish an assigned task on time damages a production adversely and affects the work flow of others. Hence theatre demands that you respect your deadline and be punctual. Thus this is a great job and life skill. Therefore, learning and adapting life skills from theatre is essential


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